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Of clients who returned feedback forms once their Wills had been signed - 97.5% rated the service they had received as "EXCELLENT" or "VERY GOOD". (Source - Institute of Professional Willwriters Client Reviews July 2024)

Folio Wills Ltd specialise in Willwriting and Lasting Powers of Attorney in Kent. As full members of the Institute of Professional Willwriters (IPW) our aim is to make the process of writing your Will as straightforward as possible.

We visit our clients in their homes at a convenient time to take their instructions and supervise the signing of the completed Wills.

We will take you through all of the issues involved in making your Will, offering the necessary guidance for you to take the best course of action for your beneficiaries. Then, if you decide to proceed, we will return with the completed documents to supervise the signing and witnessing. This second visit (for no extra charge) is an important part of our service and is not something that a lot of other companies offer. 

It is estimated that 50% - 60% of the UK population do not have a Will. This is known as dying “intestate”. If you die intestate your estate will be distributed in accordance with complex legal rules.

The rules of intestacy may distribute your possessions in a way that is not tax efficient and may result in far more tax being paid than is necessary. The rules of intestacy may not distribute your estate in the way you would choose, for example if you are not married or in a registered civil partnership, under intestacy your common law spouse would not be provided for. If you have not made a Will the state will decide who will be the guardian for any minor children, again this decision is made following legal rules - not necessarily following your wishes. Intestacy can cause problems for those you care about and can result in family disputes, stress and bitterness after your death.

All these problems can be avoided by writing a Will. 


By not making a Will you give up your right to make choices and plan how to help those you care about.

To find out more about Wills and why you need one, visit the Why You Need A Will page. Or to contact us for more information visit the Contact page.