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Only the original signed and witnessed Will can go through Probate when the time comes. Having taken the time and trouble to have your Will written it is therefore vital that the original is stored somewhere that is safe and secure.

Keeping your Will at home is not normally recommended, as your Will could be lost, stolen, destroyed - or even invalidated by being tampered with or by being accidentally damaged. Unnecessary delays and substantial costs can be incurred when someone passes away and their Will cannot be found.

Folio Wills Ltd is able to offer a Document Storage Service to clients which offers the following benefits:

  • Free unlimited amendments and updates to your Wills
  • Secure storage of your Wills and associated documents (for example Letters of Wishes or Lasting Power of Attorney)
  • A copy of your Will for you to store with your own records
  • Additional copies available for no extra charge if you would like to provide them for your family and/or executors
  • Free access to the original of your Will at all times
  • Free storage of other types of documents you would also like stored, for example Title Deeds or Life Insurance policies
  • Reduced prices for clients who take out other products, for example Protective Property Trusts or Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • Very reasonable annual fee – from only £20.00 annually

The annual charge is usually arranged by a standing order mandate. This means that the payment is completely under your control; we cannot increase the fee and you can cancel the payment yourself at any time. If you decided to stop using this service your Will would simply be returned to you at no extra charge.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information about our Document Storage Service.